No One Cares About Your Company...
until you make them care!
Businesses fail when they fail to find ways to engage their potential audience with authentic and trustworthy content. Think about it...would you buy from someone you don't know and trust? I always ask for referrals--want to use services that have already proven themselves with good friends of mine. It's common sense, really.
So why is it so hard for businesses to understand that you have to take the time to "woo" your audience? Let's assume we are a Community Management business serving the HOA industry as an example. Why do HOAs consider a new management company? Here are a few reasons (there are so many more):
1. Current management company not responsive to their needs.
2. Current management company not handling their financials correctly.
3. An HR/personality issue with the manager responsible for the property.
If these are some of the reasons, then another Management company who services in that area should be answering these questions within their website, their blog posts, their testimonials, their advertising messaging and when all employees of the Management company interact with the community. This creates a BRANDED message for the company that builds trust well before an HOA ever reaches out for a quote for services.
Emily Yost of E Yost consulting has been assisting businesses for over 20 years create strong and successful brands. For more information, visit
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