What's In My Bag?

Marketing and public relations professionals are always working.  Why?  Because a story, opportunity or inspiration come at the most interesting of moments. So, I thought I would share what's in my bag and the "why" of it all.

1.  My phone/Camera/Contact List

I am so thankful for good, quality phones that multi task on my behalf.  If you haven't invested in a good smartphone with a high pixel camera--do it now!  Having raw images are imperative!  You'll often find me taking close ups of flowers, the ocean, a babbling brook or balloons at a party.  Why?  They make excellent backgrounds for social media posts and printed materials.  And best yet...I don't have to use stock images at high prices!  All images are backed up automatically in the cloud so I never have to worry about losing images. 

My phone is also my office on the go.  All contacts are synced to my database that I use and are easily accessed through an app. 

2.  A Notepad and Pen

When inspiration hits, I need to write it down.  People say the most amazing slogans and don't even realize they are sharing valuable insight with me.  Their testimonials, product pitches and instructions for use are incredible resources for the brands I represent.  I prefer to have a post it note booklet that allows those special moments to transfer to my "think boards" found in my office. 

3.  Business Cards

Do I really need to explain?  Business cards make it possible to exchange contact information on the fly.  It is a staple for businesses.  Speaking of business cards, there is an app you can download that allows you to take a photo of the business card you just received and instantly converts it to contact information in your phone!  Don't believe me?  Check out SnapBizCard

So, what's in your bag? What are you "go-to" items in your business? 

Emily Yost of E Yost consulting has been providing marketing and public relations services to businesses for over 20 years.  For a list of services or industries she serves, visit www.EYostConsulting.com


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